Our Story
Many of our most beloved artists don’t earn enough to afford health care or put aside funds to carry them through a personal or natural disaster. The Festival of Arts community faced this reality in 1999, when one of its own confronted debilitating medical treatments. In response, Festival artists, led by the late exhibitor Anne England, came together to raise and contribute critically needed financial assistance for their fellow FOA artist.
This experience galvanized a number of exhibitors to establish an ongoing fund for artists that encounter such hardship. An annual fundraising effort was begun, supported by the sale of donated artwork from Festival exhibitors, which created a fund to be accessed as emergencies arise. Since that effort over twenty years ago, The Artists Fund has assisted numerous FOA artists that have fallen on tough financial circumstances due to medical necessity, natural disaster or other debilitating events.
In addition to financial assistance, the Board recently established Enrichment Grants, designed to help artists at critical creative junctures further their careers and minimize exposure to unexpected future hardship. Along with educational seminars and timely informational programs, The Artist Fund continues to ensure that its artists flourish.
Since its inception, The Artists Fund has distributed over $250,00 in both Hardship Grants and Enrichment Grants to aid fellow exhibitors.
The Artists Fund is a 501(c)(3)non-profit, with Articles of Incorporation formalized in August 2010.

“The Laguna Beach art community is a really tight community – they really do take care of their own and look after each other.”
Anne England, Founder